Therapeutic breathing is known to not only promote a state of rest and digest in the body and calm the nervous system (hello better digestion), and help to calm anxiety, but may also promote a more effective uptake of oxygen into your cells.
Cells with a better oxygen intake can result in better nutrient uptake, and better waste disposal. Just what we want!
Oxygen deprivation has been linked to many diseases, as well as the things that may be weighing down on your shoulders every day, such as problems with digestion. Our body requires acceptable oxygen intake for our physiological processes to function properly.
According to Patrick McKeoen, author of 'The Oxygen Advantage' he explains how breathing through the mouth actually decreases the amount of oxygen the body receives, because haemoglobin (a blood protein) requires carbon dioxide to be present, to be able to release oxygen in the cells. Taking deep breaths through our mouth can mean carbon dioxide is washed from the lungs, blood, tissues, and cells, which causes haemoglobin to hold onto oxygen, meaning less oxygen is delivered to tissues and organs.
How to breath therapeutically
1. Tongue up to the roof of your mouth
2. Lips closed, eyes closed
3. Head and shoulders back
4. Gently inhale through your nose and take slow gentle breaths. Hold for a few seconds, so that you are always feeling a slight air hunger
3. Exhale through your nose and repeat for one minute to open your airways, increase circulation and blood flow, help calm your nervous system, support digestion, and properly oxygenate your cells
A focus on proper breathing is an important practice, even when you are asleep. Many health struggles and dental issues can be linked to mouth breathing whilst asleep.
To learn about breathing through your diaphragm and abdomen (the most effective way to oxygenate), rather than your lungs, read the book 'The Oxygen Advantage' by Patrick Mckeown. And always work with someone qualified to guide you through making these improvements. A list of qualified practitioners can be found at
Are you beathing correctly?
Many people can have a realisation that they are breathing incorrectly, when they take the time to notice their breaths. Does your abdomen move outwards, as it should, when you inhale? Many people can realise their abdomen moves inward when they inhale! The world is so busy and pre-occupied these days that sometimes we can forget to tune into our body and pay it the attention it deserves. Setting time aside to focus on proper breathing can be really beneficial.
Observe your breathing
~ Sit in front of a mirror, and allow the shoulders to relax, whilst keeping your head up straight.
~ Place one hand on your chest and one hand just above your navel.
~ Allow your abdomen to move outwards as you inhale, and inwards as you exhale.
Mouth taping at night
Sleeping with tape over the mouth has been found to promote deep, restful sleep, as well as many other benefits, including better cell regeneration. Please speak to your doctor or practitioner before attempting this.
Please note, this information about therapeutic breathing is not medical advice. I am sharing from my own inquisitive nature, experiences, and for educational purposes. Please consult your doctor or private practitioner for professional advice.