Are you stressed? Anxious? Moody? Snapping at loved ones? Struggling to sleep? Is your gut health affecting your day-to-day life? Is your menstrual cycle out of sync? Heavy periods? Struggling with menopause symptoms? Spots popping up everywhere?
Minerals are the spark plug of life. They are what make our body perform properly, and are required for just about every metabolic process in the body. Every single enzyme reaction. They are essential for emotional regulation, preventing brain fog, good sleep, digestion, energy production, thyroid health, hormone balance, immune function, detoxification, nerve and muscle function, PH balance, preventing allergies, preventing inflammation, our bones and teeth, weight management, and much more.
When we have a mineral imbalance, our body won't be at its best. If all these physiological process don't have sufficient minerals as heir spark plug, the body will rely on other nutrients, and eventually becoming depleting, putting a strain on the body and creating poor health.
What is interesting is that a hair mineral analysis test will pick up imbalances long before symptoms start to appear! ​Deficiencies are revealed much sooner than in the blood or the urine, so the HTMA test offers an early warning system.
A HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis test) is a functional test that uses a small amount of hair to take a look at your individual biochemistry at a cellular level, assessing your body’s mineral levels, heavy metals, and metabolic type. A HTMA test reveals the biochemistry of the previous 3 months- inside the cell. So this really is an in-depth test that provides vital information on imbalances that contribute to chronic disease and poor health and wellbeing in general.
There is plenty of scientific research that links vitamin & mineral deficiencies to cancer and other diseases and the quickest and most reliable way you can find out if you’re at risk is to get a hair mineral test. This will give you vital information to help you beat illness before it even starts, as well as helping to find balance when you are in the thick of symptoms that are affecting your life.
Hair mineral analysis testing has been used for at least 100 years worldwide to screen for the many crucial minerals like magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc and copper, as well as for toxic metals like mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminium, all of which can create imbalances and lead to disease.
A HTMA is non-invasive, inexpensive, and extremely accurate.
A HTMA can determine imbalances, metabolic rate and energy levels, how your body is coping with stress, and if your current nutritional choices are working for you, or not.
Stress comes in many forms, so even though clients may not 'feel stressed' what is going on inside their body often tells a different story. A HTMA test can show either an acute stress reaction, or underperforming adrenal glands which is a strong indicator of chronic stress. Chronic stress is the root of all disease, and it's first port of call is the digestive system, shutting down vital processes to conserve it's energy required for when the nervous system is in a sympathetic state aka fight or flight.
Once booked, I will send you your HTMA via first class post.
You will collect a small 100g sample of hair which is approximately 1 tsp full. Taking the hair sample simply involves taking a cutting of hair from the region at the back of the head between the occipital bone and the nape. As close to the scalp as possible. Due to the location, you will not notice any hair is missing. You will receive full instructions with the test. The test can be run on coloured hair, but it is ideal to wait for 4-8 weeks regrowth.
You then send your sample off in the pre-paid envelope I will provide you.
Once it’s received at the laboratory it’s prepared and placed in a series of test tubes for multiple testing. The scientific process to test a hair sample is carried out in a high temperature environment with special acids to breakdown the hair and separate it from the elements, then when the hair has been completely digested, only the mineral salts remain. These are added to a chemical solution and analysed to identify your body's mineral status and toxic metal accumulation. This process shows the nutrient levels in your body and reveals the evidence of long term or acute exposure to heavy metals that you had no idea you have been vulnerable to.
This entire process will take around 21 days from booking to receipt of results, and you will receive your results in a PDF document, with a full evaluation by a qualified Dip ION FBANT Nutritional Therapist. Depending on what package you purchase from myself, you will receive any consultation agreed, within one week of you receiving your results. As part of that consultation, you will receive my support to implement the changes required to make improvements in relation to your results. You will receive the wellness plan we co-create within 48 hours of that consultation.
Testing is recommended every 3-6 months and with the guidance of myself, it will help you create balance in your body, and elevate your overall health.​
A hair sample shows the mineral status inside the cell, rather than outside the cell, and measures the last 90 days, whereas many other tests only look at a short moment or a few hours of time, and don't reach as far as the cell. This is helpful because it shows what minerals you are using a lot of, what you are moving out of the cell that ideally want to stay inside the cell, and what nutrients you are deficient in.
Schedule a free 20 minute discovery call with me via the link below to discuss booking your HTMA test, and to discuss which accompanying health coaching package
will suit you best.
By ordering your HTMA test through myself at my discounted rate of £55,
you save 23% off RRP and receive free shipping.
*If you colour your hair: 4-8 weeks of re-growth is preferred.
